My Gift to You:

5-Day Sensual Self-Love Course

The most important sexual relationship you will ever have is with yourself.

This complimentary 5-day email course is designed to get you out of your head and into a connected, sensual relationship to your body, your desire, and your untapped sexual power.

Each day you'll receive a short audio class with a guided sensual practice, and journaling prompts to support your exploration and integration.

During this 5-day journey, you will:

Discover the healing potential of pleasure.

Receive tools for ecstatic living and loving.

Cultivate a sensual connection to your body.

Gain a deeper understanding of pleasure, play, and eros.

“If you're curious about how to begin a simply nourishing self-care practice, don't think twice: start here! Elise's Sensual Self-Love course was the perfect catalyst for rejuvenating my self-love in ways that didn't feel overwhelming, but rather easy, enjoyable, and impactful. ”

— Carissa W.D.

Join the Sensual Self-Love Course


What People Are Saying


“The graceful, peaceful energy of the practice allowed me to relax and create an environment where deep learning and exploring was possible.”

—Kathy W.

“This work has opened up new channels for me to further connect to my own erotic/relational/creative life with more tools and resources”

— Kat G.